Thank you very much for the wonderful week with you (and the cats). You are a great teacher and I learnt a lot.
Realizing I needed a one-on-one ‘kick start’ I found HMST Italia on line; Sira answered my queries quickly and thoroughly – having filled in a short questionnaire in order for Sira to assess my level I set off for Sarzanna really not knowing what to expect but hoping to come away with some basic conversation.
My welcome by Sira was warm and the apartment cosy and comfortable and I found myself being tutored immediately in the basic greetings.
As promised Sira had compiled a schedule of both lessons and leisure activities based on the information I had given her about my interests.
In the first hours Sira ascertained what I actually wanted to achieve and why and set out a way to accomplish this.
I found her teaching thorough, informative and sensitive, giving me not just the framework to learn but also, from the very beginning, the confidence and assurance to speak in Italian.
Sarzana is a beautiful medieval town in one of the most naturally beautiful and historic areas of Italy and through Sira’s guidance I came away with not just far more Italian than I thought I could possibly learn in such a short time, but an experience of the culture of the area. I couldn’t have asked for more.
Christina T.K. – Ireland – (May 2023)